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Education in its all shapes and forms orchestrates the fundamental basis of human right. Modernization has made it possible to vocal education as the most needed change to empower society. The trends and requirements in the field of education have contributed to shaping the way society delivers the accessibility of learning resources to different children. We no longer lament an attitude that mistreats children based on their physical disabilities. Everybody is equal in the eyes of society and Arunachal University of Studies accords the same believe while initiating the programme. AUS adheres to the thought of providing the equal and same opportunity to every child with quality education and to do this; Special Education teachers need to be trained to help differently-abled children to achieve at least basic education.

The Faculty of Special Education is a thoroughly structured department that is designed especially to shape future teachers of the country to help specially gifted children with education. AUS trains in training graduates to manage and handle students with all kinds of emotional, physical, and mental disabilities. The Faculty of Special Education is equipped with modern teaching approaches that are embracive of both classroom and practical pedagogy of learning. Arunachal University of Studies offers the following courses under this faculty:

  • B.Ed. Special Education (Visual Impairment)
  • B.Ed. Special Education (Hearing Impairment)
  • M.Ed. Special Education (Visual Impairment)
  • M.Ed. Special Education (Hearing Impairment)
  • Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Both the Graduation and the Post-graduation courses cover all the aspects needed for graduating students to become a special education teacher. The main philosophy is to let graduates form a well-advanced system for children to gain the confidence to face society with equal dignity. AUS enables every student to develop an individual learning programme that specializes to focus on personal development and growth of special children. Arunachal University of Studies ensures the students taking any of the course under this specialization are aware of all forms of disabilities from visual and hearing impairment, speech and language, developmental delay, autism spectrum disorder, traumatic brain injury, orthopaedic impairments and others.

Arunachal University of Studies meets all the desired necessities of course requirements to properly train and instruct students to structurally accord a discipline that enables individual attention of special children. To do this all necessary syllabus and subjects are taught by faculty members. The Professors, Lecturers, and special tutors are well determined to help AUS graduates professional teachers to fill the gap between education and special children.  With one of kind unique tools and aids, every student goes through a brief process to produce unique ideas and methodology to educate special kids in their own way. Lastly, students under this faculty are taught tolerance and patience as the important key to be practised in the classroom of any special education institution. Without this, the cognitive capabilities of children cannot be understood and an inclusive environment would not be created.

Therefore, AUS with is different courses is certain to provide a qualitative and quantitative mode of teaching pattern to ease the urgency of special teachers in the society. Every student here at AUS receives an in-depth understanding of various emotional and behavioural patterns of special children especially with visual and hearing impairment and AUS is proud to play a significant role in being a pioneer for providing academic infrastructure of this noble cause.

  • Motor, hearing, and visual impairments are not learning disabilities rather mere biological conditions that affect the learning process.
  • Medication does not cure learning disabilities and there is no medical treatment for the same.
  • With assisted technology, special education has come up to a long way in providing equal status to differently-abled children.
  • Just because a child is visually impaired or has no hearing ability, it does not define or state that the kid is intellectually disabled. It is a well-researched fact that special children are above-average intelligent students.
  • Special Education is even more intensive and specialized than any traditional education courses taught worldwide.

Before venturing into the professional world, graduates from the Faculty of Special Educations need to be fully skilled and possess the art of being 100% patience to deal with special children and understand their learning requirements. Students graduating under this have the following suited career/jobs:

Teacher - every special child needs special teachers who would communicate literacy and independence in a unique way. Irrespective of the behavioural, visual, or hearing impairment, every child deserves an equal opportunity to study. Students are emotionally dependent on teachers. No matter how physical draining the process shall be, a special educator will always be passionate to make life better.

Writer - the world of literature is in itself handicapped with not much content, reading material to offer special children and readers. After graduation, one can choose a path in the field of literature to bring forth the stories that are inclusive of every form of readers. One can choose to be a writer to educate the mass about special children and the lack of overall civic infrastructure for them in the country.

Activists - graduates can choose to work in an NGO or firm that voices out the rights in promoting equal rights for special humans. An activist can also counsel children in leading a life with dignity irrespective of the disabilities. Rehabilitation and counsellors can also be one of this sub role under being an activist.