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B.Ed. Spl Education (Hearing Impairment)

Course Fee
Exam Fee
4 Semester (2 Years)
Rs. 90,000-/ (Per Year)
Rs. 4,000-/ (Per Year)

The programme is approved by Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI). On completion of programme the candidate are eligible for registration with Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI).

* The title of the programme is approved u/s 22 of University Grants Commission (UGC) Act 1956.

Imparting along with the required tools and resources, B.Ed. Special Education (HI) course has been designed to provide a better future to many. It is a unique course run in the North East States within the department which considers itself to be privileged enough. For them, Disability is a bad attitude and they try best enough to wash off the word as such from every student they mentor.

Major area covered in the programme:

  • Requirements and pattern of multiple disabilities
  • Importance of special education in the Indian Society
  • Importance of understanding the mental psychology of differently-abled students
  • Requirements to design, research and manage the overall educational aspects for special children
  • Disability specific tech-friendly educational practices with audiology and aural rehabilitation.
  • Importance of speech therapy and teaching to the hearing-impaired students along with other school subjects.
The students who complete the course become eligible to be special educators and teachers in some of the special and inclusive schools. It gives them away, a future to work and help others like them.

Considering the course, it involves all those teaching strategies studies which can help one meet up with the needs and demands of all those differently-abled children who trust them. Varied scientific equipment and techniques are used by them in every sphere of teaching. For pursuing along with these, they are even provided with a Laboratory, which has been established in the campuses for better facilities. The facilities herein make them learn, Sign Language, Pure Tone Audiometry, Tuning Fork Test and Speech Trainer, etc.

All the tools and all these new techniques, they are a means for the teacher trainees to improve and to better their teaching abilities. As of today, B.Ed. Special Education (HI) programmes have become an important and useful part for the education and development of professional competencies. They help the learners amidst the disabled group, by every means they can.

Internship programmes are conducted from time to time in the course of B.Ed. Special Education (Hearing Impairment). Students are sent to some of the special & inclusive schools and learn along with varied teaching-learning processes. It also helps them to know and to learn better about the special children and the environment they need, individually. They are prepared well. So, for one who wishes to start, all they need is to fulfil a minimum of criteria, like completing graduation, getting an aggregate score as demanded, etc. and there they will be, doing the best they can for the betterment.

The course is purposeful and so are learning techniques for the same. They are well aligned with the education’s national policies, considering the need-based education being imparted for all the disabled children of approach.
A teacher is a medium to learn and herein within this course frame, a special education teacher is the one who is a lifesaver for the hearing-impaired students. Be it a regular or a special school, the special educators provide an opportunity to all, equally. They do not differentiate and this is what makes them stand out.

Arunachal University of Studies has formulated the course programme to equip every student with thorough knowledge to deal with hearing-impaired children effectively. AUS wishes to identify and work about the special needs of hearing-impaired children and develop a personality in them to potentially live a life with freedom, self-respect, and dignity. And to do this, AUS is well equipped to train and teach enrolled students with its special inclusive atmosphere and evaluation system. This in return would enable students to set a standard of the cognitive and skillful domain.

Graduation (Any Stream) or eq. with minimum 50% or eq. grade. 5% relaxation for APST/ST/SC/OBC/PW Candidates.

Financial Assistance :-
Fee reimbursement upto ₹ 20,000/- for candidates having family income less than ₹ 5,00,000/- (Five Lakhs) per annum under schemes offered by Central Govt./ State Govt.  or World Education Mission subject to compliance of prescribed terms and conditions.
Career Path :-

Students graduating from this course can find employment in the following prospects.

Government and Private Schools: All forms of schools for basic secondary and higher secondary education need special teachers to be the guiding mentor for special children. The employment comes in handy with the salary and employees receive immense respect in the society.

Special Schools for Hearing-impaired: Becoming a counsellor, educator, or teacher purely in the school specializing in handling special children would also serve a good employability option.

Community Homes: Every community home always has a special citizen or children that need someone to communicate and understand their thought process. Working in community homes can be of great assistance to impaired individuals.