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Master of Science (Para-Medical)

Course Fee
Exam Fee
2 Years
Rs. 1,50,000-/ (Per Year)
Rs. 5,000-/ (Per Year)
Level 6 To Level 7

Specialization: Physiotherapy/ MLT/ MRIT

To be a skilled healthcare expert one has to have a degree in Paramedical. Paramedics are those who offer emergency care to patients during the most challenging situation. Arunachal University of Studies offers this course as a job oriented academic programme that teaches every student to become a competent paramedical worker. In the area of accident care and trauma, the demand for paramedics has risen significantly. Also with the rapid changes in the medical delivery system, undergoing fast and rapid changes to help patients with utmost care has opened a lot of career opportunities for paramedical graduates.

At Arunachal University of Studies, the course is structured in a way to provide the best medical assistance in the field of medicine after graduation. By taking this course, AUS aims to provide a full-time 2 years road to obtain the academic and practical knowledge by including all the component of paramedical science.

What are the skills required for a paramedical expert?

  • A student should have a commendable presence of mind in order to be able to take apt decision in a state of emergency.
  • A student should be mentally and physically fit to be able to handle physical and mental stress during duty hours.
  • A student should realize that in the world of medicine one must dedicate night and day to the purpose of medical services
  • A student should have a very clear mindset to swiftly make the decision with commendable communication skills.

The main purpose of offering a course in Master of Science (Paramedical) is to produce skilled graduates to be able to assist doctors or health care experts wherever needed. As time goes by, the alarming rates of health problems have simply proven to create entire recruitment for paramedic experts. And to achieve this goal, Arunachal University of Studies offers three specializations as follows:

  • Master in Physiotherapy (MPT)
  • Master of Science in Medical Lab Tech (MLT)
  • Master of Science in Medical Radio Imaging Tech (MRIT)

Master in Physiotherapy (MPT) - This stream of specialization deals with the advance study of physical therapy by laying greater emphasis on the modern techniques used in physiotherapy with the help of pre-existing ones. Arunachal University of Studies offers MPT course with a curriculum to gain state-of-an-art knowledge and skills to provide all medical solutions in a patient’s disabilities. The entire course is structured in a way to rehabilitate the motor-disabilities and restrictive disabilities for the improvement of posture and respiratory condition.

Master of Science in Medical Lab Technology (MLT) - This course majorly deals with the treatment, prevention of diseases, diagnosis by the mean of a clinical test. The entire curriculum structure around haematology and laboratory proficiency. After graduation an MLT specialist can work as an expert in testing, analysing, identifying of a patients medical conditions in various stream of clinical science.

Master of Science in Medical Radio Imaging Tech (MRIT) - This course teaches every student on diagnostic, biostatistics, radiology, nuclear medicine, imaging techniques, imaging evaluation etc. The primary focus of this structured course revolves around techniques to scan and diagnose human anatomy for diseases.

Graduation (relevant) with min. 50%

Financial Assistance :-

Fee reimbursement upto ₹ 50,000/- for candidates having family income less than ₹ 5,00,000/- (Five Lakhs) per annum under schemes offered by Central Govt./ State Govt.  or World Education Mission subject to compliance of prescribed terms and conditions.

Fee reimbursement upto ₹ 60,000/- for APST candidates having family income less than ₹ 2,50,000/- (Two Lakhs Fifty Thousand) per annum under schemes offered by Central Govt./ State Govt.  subject to compliance of prescribed terms and conditions.

Career opportunities in Para-medical stream require a lot of manual labours and by becoming an allied healthcare worker a graduate plays a very important instrument in the health care sector. After the completion of the course, one can easily get recruited as follows

  • Ophthalmic assistant
  • X-ray/ Radiology assistant
  • ECH Assistant
  • Medical Laboratory Assistant
  • Dental Assistant
  • Dialysis Technician
  • Operation Theatre Assistant
  • CT-Scan Technician
In India, the scope of paramedical professional is on the rise due to the growing use if medical technology in clinics, trauma centres, private and medical hospitals. There is also a requirement of paramedics profession in the field of aviation to transfer the injured to the nearest health care centre at the time of the accident.