
School of Pharmacy celebrated World Leprosy Day 2024

Jan 31, 2024

Namsai, 31st January 2024: School of Pharmacy celebrated World Leprosy Day 2024. The theme of this year is “Beat Leprosy” with dual objectives of “To Eradicate the Stigma Associated with Leprosy” and “To Promote the Dignity of People Affected by the Disease”.
The program was initiated with a welcome message from Principal, School of Pharmacy, Prof (Dr.) Shantanu Bandopadhyay who apprised on Leprosy program and its different aspects at the global and national levels. Chief Guest, Vice-Chancellor, Prof (Dr.) D. S. Hernwal appreciated the role of healthcare professionals for combating Leprosy and stressed on the role of society for caring of leprotic patients.

Oral presentations on the said theme presented by 6 students of Pharmacy who deliberated on the various facets of Leprosy. Subsequently, poster presentations were held wherein Hemlu (D.Pharm 1st Year), Munmun (B.Pharm 2nd Sem) and Ravin (B.Pharm 8th sem) secured 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions, respectively. The program ended with a vote of thanks by the Program co-ordinator, Ms. Dakme Papi, Assistant Professor, School of Pharmacy, who conveyed deep regards and heartiest thanks to all present, and concluded with the pledge to reduce discrimination against persons affected with leprosy.