
Paper Published

Title Of Paper Authored by Department Name Of Journal ISBN
Supported CuO as a highly active/selective catalyst for the epoxidation of styrene by TBHP to styrene oxide Dr. R. Jha, V. R. Choudhary, N. K. Choudhary and P. Jana Chemistry Catal. Commun. 1566-7367
Highly active and reusable catalyst obtained from Mg-Fe-hydrotalcite anionic clay for Friedel-Crafts type benzylation reactions V. R. Choudhary, Dr. R. Jha and P. A. Choudhary Chemistry J. Chem.. Sci. 0974-3626
Foreign direct investment in the Indian retail business Dr. Venkata Sai Srinivasa Rao Muramalla Business Administration The Indian Journal of Commerce [ISSN: 0019-512X (P), 2454-6801(E)] [UGC No. 46680]
Biphasic asymmetric hydroformylation and hydrogenation by water-soluble rhodium and ruthenium complexes VR Choudhary, Dr. R. Jha, VS Narkhade Chemistry J. Mol. Catal. A: General 1381-1169
Solvent-free liquid phase oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde by O2 over nano-size gold supported on U3O8 and other metal oxides V. R. Choudhary, A. Dhar, P. Jana, Dr. R. Jha and B. S. Uphade Chemistry Green Chemistry 1463-9262
In-Mg-hydrotalcite anionic clay as catalyst or catalyst precursor for Friedel-Crafts type benzylation reactions V. R. Choudhary, Dr. R. Jha and V. S. Narkhede Chemistry J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical 1381-1169
Epoxidation of styrene by TBHP to styrene oxide using barium oxide as a highly active/selective and reusable solid catalyst V. R. Choudhary, Dr. R. Jha, P. Jana Chemistry Green Chemistry 1463-9262
MnO4-1-exchanged Mg-Al-hydrotalcite: a stable and reusable/environmental-friendly catalyst for selective oxidation by oxygen of ethylbenzene to acetophenone and diphenylmethane to benzophenone V. R. Choudhary, J. R. Indurkar, V. S. Narkhede and Dr. R. Jha Chemistry J. Catal. 0021-9517
Epoxidation of styrene by anhydrous t-butyl hydroperoxide over gold supported on Al2O3, Ga2O3, In2O3 and Tl2O3 N.S. Patil, Dr. R. Jha, B. S. Uphade, S. K. Bhargava, V. R. Choudhary Chemistry Appl. Catal. A: General 0926- 860X
The Socio-Political Background of the August 15, 1975 Coup in Bangladesh Dr. Rupak Bhattacharjee Political Science South Asian Studies 0038-285x